
All businesses need frequent and loyal customers, a loyalty program is an excellent tool to achieve it.

Meet some of our solutions that allow you to immediately implement a loyalty program, get to know your customers better, measure their loyalty, frequency and spend, and how they value your product and customer experience, segment and personalize your marketing efforts to increase customer profitability.

TUKI®is the digital platform that allows you to
implement loyalty programs fast and easy.

It’s multi merchant, so you’ll be visible to thousands of members of businesses close by, multiplying your chances to grow your customer base.

Unlike other platforms that only offer coupons or rewards, Tuki® provides a wide selection of options to keep your customers coming back. Also, its control panel allows you to automate the segmented delivery of messages and offers by profile, frequency and spend.

Whether you need cards or a mobile application, you have one or several brands, you decide to reward by spend or visit, Tuki® is the most flexible and scalable platform in the market.

¡Allow your clients

to relate to your

brand like never before!

Let us present our solutions in loyalty.

Permite a corporativos o centros comerciales agrupar los programas de lealtad de todas sus marcas dentro de una misma plataforma y App, con todala funcionalidad que tiene la solución corporativa Tuki® MP..

• App independiente con logo propio

• App con diseño y branding propio

• Tableta android con base y software


• Tarjetas de lealtad Tuki con branding propio


• Licencia de uso de plataforma

• Sucursales incluidas


• Soporte en configuración de programa de lealtad

• Soporte en marketing y diseño gráfico

90 días

• Soporte telefónico 1-800


• Kit de material promocional

Start creating your loyalty program.

Get new customers, keep the ones you already have and make them spend more and return more often..

Mobile Ads and Rewards Corporation SAPI de CV ®

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